15th Aug journalism

70th Anniversary of VJ Day

Today’s 70th Anniversary of VJ Day is not simply a historical milestone, but the last commemoration…

1st Feb journalism

How to write good, realistic dialogue

Dialogue is what happens when two or more characters talk to each other. We’ve all read novels in…

4th Nov journalism

More on The Forgotten Women of the War in the East

I’ve always had a fascination for the Pacific War. It began at 8, when I learned that my parents’…

11th Dec journalism

RIP Woolies

Where do you think David Cameron bought his Christmas wrapping paper this year?His wife's Bond…

11th Apr journalism

A warm and witty novel with a clever twist on Shakespeare

Wolff is everything journalists love. She's bubbly, hysterical, totally radio-ready and always with…

23rd Mar journalism

How did the real hero of the anti-slavery movement get airbrushed out of history?

On one of his many investigative visits to Liverpool, then the world's largest slave ship port,…

4th Apr journalism

Botox Ballot Box

Observations on illusions I'm sitting in the Wimpole Street surgery of Jean-Louis Sebagh - the…

24th Jul journalism

The writing at the ball

'PEOPLE these days expect a lot more for their money than dinner, a disco and a raffle,' said Judy…

13th Mar journalism

Incomparable Chocolate Mousse

Celebrity square meals #28: Isabel Wolff's 'Incomparable Chocolate Mousse' Serves 6My mother cut…

2nd Mar journalism

In defence of romance

Imagine you are playing one of those word association games and someone says "romantic novelist".…

7th Nov journalism

Queen of Sofadom

THAT IS absolutely brilliant,' breathes Anne Diamond excitedly as she inspects Keith from Essex's…

14th Jul journalism

Praising Chick Lit

"I read your last book," a female acquaintance confided at a party recently. "Really?" I said…

20th Aug journalism

How we Met: Vitali Vitaliev & Clive James

Vitali Vitaliev, 41, was born in the Ukraine. His articles in Krokodil, the satirical magazine,…

17th Dec journalism

How we Met: Kathy Lette & Spike Milligan

KATHY LETTE: Spike Milligan was my first great love. I was about 15, and while all the other girls…

17th Sep journalism

How we Met: Ross Benson & Ingrid Seward

Ross Benson was educated at Gordonstoun. He joined the Daily Mail in 1967. Since 1973, he has…

2nd Jul journalism

How we met - Cynthia Payne & Screaming Lord Sutch

Cynthia Payne, 64, was born in Bognor. In 1980, she served four months in prison for running a…

2nd Jul journalism

How we met - Quentin Crisp & Donald Carroll

Quentin Crisp, born in 1908, went to art school, but never earned his living as a painter. After a…

18th Jun journalism

How we Met: Uzi Mahnaimi & Bassam Abu-Sharif

Uzi Mahnaimi, 42, was born in Tel Aviv. Formerly in Israeli military intelligence, for whom he…

4th Jun journalism

Harold Wilson would have drowned but for us

EVERYONE is supposed to get 15 minutes of fame, and I've had mine. In 1973 the spotlight of…

29th Jan journalism

Warning off the office beast

What's the difference between an exuberantly over-sexed dog, and an office executive who offends…

11th Dec journalism

Real Life: Greetings from Club Dead Seances are out, mediumship awareness workshops are in

DOWN A LONG, winding country lane, a mere ouija board's throw from Stansted airport, the Arthur…

12th Jun journalism

My lunch at Daphne's

''GLYNDEBOURNE was heavenly,' intoned the elegantly dressed fortysomething woman seated at the…

12th Jun journalism

Aaaah... ylang ylang

'YOU'RE a lavenderish sort of person,' announced my aromatherapist, Amanda Jones, triumphantly.…

22nd May journalism

Who's the prat in the white tuxedo?

'INSIDE the entrance of the Rock Circus in Piccadilly, London, foreign students throng in their…

8th May journalism

Goodbye Che, hello Claudia

ATHENA, whose glossy posters of Che Guevara and a tennis-playing girl scratching her bottom adorned…

20th Mar journalism

What Bienvenida's husband wrote to me

'I FIND you utterly captivating, enchanting, intelligent, practical, determined, overwhelmingly…

19th Dec journalism

Real Life: A girl who still has everything

'WHAT DO you like about Barbie?' I asked seven-year-old Sara Thorp from Lancashire. We were…

12th Dec journalism

Don't ask why, just put a lid on it

''SO THERE we all were, in Lisa's semi in Chingford; Bev and Liz and Elaine and Lisa and Kate and…

5th Dec journalism

Adultery: don't do it

WIVES AND mothers, as we all know, are saints. The embodiment of goodness, love and self-sacrifice,…